First Aid Updates
Following concerns by professionals that first aiders soon begin to lose their knowledge after training, the Health & Safety Executive (HSE) conducted the First Aid Retention of Knowledge survey.
"The respondent's lack of knowledge on vital areas such as bleeding, causes of shock and general first aid treatments is both surprising and disturbing. For nearly all the questions a consistent minority were unable to answer at all".
It is vital that the employers take heed of these findings and DO NOT retain a falsely optimistic view of the organisation's first aid capabilities.
The 3 year interval between refresher courses is far too long. Skill Fade will develop.
Course Syllabus:
Obstructed Airways
Automated External Defibrillation
The fee for this training is £900.00 for a maximum of 10 candidates. This is a very cost effective way of maintaining good standards of first aid within the company.
It is also a good opportunity to be informed of any changes to first aid treatments.
To book a group of employees onto a course or to discuss dates and venues please contact our principal trainer. Click here for contact details.
FAIB Approval No. 09/03 (074) Company No. 04579162